Saturday, October 29, 2016

80 Thoreau, Concord, MA

The BEST soup I have ever had!!

Rhubarb & pear & crabmeat!! 

Brave Lucy as a drink & great bread. This was to celebrate the fact I had swum across Walden Pond 2 days earlier, in the coldest water I've ever been in, the latest I've ever done!! October 19!!

The Monkfish special!!

Finishing up with CORN ice cream (complete with Cracker Jack like garnish)

When the host tells you it's phenomenal, you listen!! 

Thanks Vincent & Ashish!! ;)

Esme Dinner!!

$100 for 3 courses (2 drinks and tip too!!) and well worth it!!

Calamari (sweet!!) and my new favorite book about the Morris Jumel Mansion.

The waiter talked to me about it & we discussed writing.

The drink was excellent as well! 

The Salmon. The best I've had in a VERY long time. Crispy on the outside & not overcooked!!

Cafe creame for dessert!! 

Even their accidents are charming!! 

Lobster Claw

Fish tacos (not as good as Bklyn Label!)

And grilled zucchini!!

Enid's Brunch:Catfish

Catfish & grits & drunken beans/rice. 

Wonderful & took half home!!